Trust Administration Attorneys

The trustee or successor trustee of a living trust is a fiduciary who must act with the utmost fidelity and in accordance with the terms of the Trust and applicable law. A trustee is responsible for administering a trust, either while the creator of the trust (called many things, such as the Settlor, Grantor, or Trustmaker) is alive or upon the death or disability of the trust creator. You may be your own trustee when you’re alive and competent. Depending on the type of property owned by the trust, the provisions of the trust, and the applicable law, the trustee often has complicated responsibilities that are often best carried out with the guidance and assistance of a knowledgeable legal advisor. The Farr Law Firm’s trust administration division handles all aspects of estate administration, employing a team of professionals with wide-ranging expertise. Our estate administration services include:

  1. Preparation of Federal estate tax returns, Form 706, and applicable State inheritance/estate tax returns;
  2. Preparation of non-judicial fiduciary accountings for trusts and estates;
  3. Preparation of fiduciary income tax returns for trusts, including income tax planning to minimize income taxes;
  4. Preparation of Federal and State gift tax returns;
  5. Post-mortem planning, including use of disclaimers, small business succession, and redemption of shares of closely-held businesses;
  6. Working with executors, investment advisors, trustees, beneficiaries, and accountants to minimize estate tax and income tax;
  7. Assisting executors in navigating through the estate administration process.
  8. Assisting beneficiaries in resolving family disputes regarding inherited or inheritable assets.
  9. Assistance with the valuation of closely-held business interests to minimize estate tax.

To get started, please see our Levels of Planning for Trust and Estate Administration and then download our Intake Form.

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