Technology is playing a larger role in the lives of seniors, enabling them to be engaged, connected, mentally active, and physically safe. In fact, boomers are a part of one of the fastest growing demographics in terms of usage of … [Read more...]
Print This PageA New White House Report on Technology for Seniors
March 29, 2016 by Evan H Farr, CELA, CAP
Filed Under: technology Tagged With: white house, seniors, age in place, aging, Obama, PCAST, mHealth, internet, PERS, fall detection
Obamacare Warfare: Why is the Public Positively Puzzled on Health Reform?
January 12, 2011 by Evan H Farr, CELA, CAP
Struggling to make sense of the status of health care reform in America? Don’t worry; neither can Congress, the White House, nor the Courts say with certainty whether The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the Act) will … [Read more...]
Print This PageFiled Under: debate, Uncategorized, Health Care, Social Security, Medicare, Long-term Care Tagged With: congress, white house, supreme court, senate, reform, obamacare, legislative branch, house, health reform, executive branch, Medicaid, Health IT, Health Care, Skilled Care, Senior Professionals