New Models of Support for Aging in Place

Most American seniors choose to live independently as long as possible, while maintaining strong relationships with family and friends. A major concern, however, is access to the support and services they need. There is a growing … [Read more...]

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Amazing Technology to Age-in-Place (But Mom is Reluctant)

AliveCor Mobile ECGQ. My mother-in-law, Veronica, who is in her 70's, shys away from anything that involves technology. She refuses to carry a cell phone, try an iPad, or send an email. My children would love to Skype with … [Read more...]

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Appliances That Speak to Each Other, and Other Incredible Aging-in-Place Technology

Robear RobotWhen Carol's mother, Eleanor, had a stroke a few years back, she and her husband moved in with her. Eleanor was not very steady on her feet, and surfed the furniture to get around. Carol and her husband were always … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Technology to Help Seniors Age-in-Place Safely

 Dear Commander Bun Bun,    My mother, Shirley, is in her 80’s and living alone. Recently, she reluctantly agreed to wear a device that allows her to call for help if she fell. It gives my brother and me a sense of … [Read more...]

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New Apps for Seniors with Memory Loss

Q. I bought my mother, Charlotte, a tablet for Christmas last month. I thought it was an ideal gift for her, since she is beginning to experience memory loss, and was told that she could benefit from apps that help her exercise … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Tech Gifts for Grandma

Dear Commander Bun Bun, The holidays are upon us. Since you are the pet who is known to be the most tech savvy at the firm, do you have any ideas for devices that I can buy for my technologically-challenged (but learning) … [Read more...]

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MIT AgeLab’s Amazing Innovations for Seniors

Picture: Inside the MIT AgeLab, from telematicswire.netIn 1900, life expectancy was just under 50. Today, people are living well into their 80’s, 90’s, and beyond. How can we make the most of the “bonus 30 years” we now have? … [Read more...]

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NASA SmartWatch, Implanted Health Devices, and Other New Technology for Seniors

Is Grandpa going gadget-crazy? Not quite yet, but we are getting there. According to a recent Pew Research survey, the number of older adults using the internet and related tech devices is increasing, with 59% of seniors reporting … [Read more...]

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Six Myths About Falls

Q. I recently visited my parents, who are in their 70’s, and have been worried ever since. My father, Sam, fell three times during the two days I was there. Often, my mother, Elaine, has lunch out and quilts with her friends, … [Read more...]

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Top 3 Advancements to Help Seniors Stay at Home: “No Thank You, Nursing Home”

"Getting old is not for sissies" goes the quote. Perhaps one of the biggest challenges people face as they age is a seemingly inevitable and impending change to their living situation, whether it be due to health concerns, … [Read more...]

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