When Caregiver Stress Becomes Extreme

Q. My aunt Rae, 84, was the primary caregiver for my Uncle Leo, who suffers from dementia. Leo would wander, so Rae couldn't leave him alone, and she missed the conversations she and Leo used to have. Rae became resentful and … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: The High Stakes of Caregiver Stress

Dear Ribbit,My father has dementia, and right now, my mother is his primary caregiver. I could tell that she is extremely stressed in her role. I know that can’t be good for my father. Have there been any studies about how … [Read more...]

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Enough is Enough! I Quit.

 Every day, Rebecca goes to her mother’s house in Oakton, gets her out of bed, gives her breakfast, and dresses her. She spends the day with her, as she is working from her mother’s home. Sometimes, when Rebecca arrives, her … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Cats for Seniors Who are Allergic

Dear Angel, My mother loves pets, especially cuddly cats like you. She enjoys coming to Mr. Farr's office to see you, but she needs to take an allergy pill every time.  She is lonely and would really like a cat of her own, … [Read more...]

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