Q. A few weeks ago, you wrote about SECURE 2.0 and some of the impactful provisions of the new law. Among them, you mentioned how the age when Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) would need to start has increased to 73 for … [Read more...]
Print This PageSECURE 2.0: The Biggest Changes for Retirement Savings in 15 Years!
Q. I heard that SECURE 2.0 was recently passed. It supposedly has provisions that make it easier to set aside money for unexpected emergency expenses. I also heard that it will not only help people avoid a short-term money … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: Are Your Retirement Savings Are on Track?
Dear Oakley,My husband and I are hoping to retire in the next five years, but we’re not sure if our retirement savings are on track. Are there any useful benchmarks we can take a look at to give us a sense of how we are doing? … [Read more...]
Print This PageTens of Billions of Dollars of Benefits for Seniors Are Going Unused Every Year
Q. Inflation has gotten bad, and my wife and I have had to dip into our savings more than ever for food and other necessities. What are some ways you suggest to deal with the situation? Are there any benefits we might not be aware … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: Maryland Officially Launches State-Run Retirement Program
Dear Angel,My husband and I live in Maryland and are both still working. We are doing the best we can when it comes to saving for retirement. His work doesn’t have a program in place at this time. I heard something about a new … [Read more...]
Print This PageThe Four Phases of Retirement and Leaving a Legacy
Dr. Ken Dychtwald, CEO and founder of Age Wave, is a researcher on aging and financial habits in America, author of 18 books, and one of the world’s foremost experts and visionary thinkers regarding aging and longevity. In some of … [Read more...]
Print This Page“Back Door” Roth Conversions: Should You Convert Your Traditional IRA into a Roth IRA?
Q. My husband and I are hoping to retire in five years, and we’re finally ready to do our retirement planning and estate planning. We both have significant amounts in traditional IRAs and are wondering if we should consider … [Read more...]
Print This PageAvoiding the Most Common Retirement Mistakes
Q. My wife and I are on target to retire in five years. We want to make sure we don’t make any major mistakes along the way. What, in your opinion, are some of the most common retirement mistakes and how can we avoid them? Thanks … [Read more...]
Print This PageGiving Gifts to Grandchildren Without Wrecking Your Own Financial Future or Creating a Sense of Entitlement
Q. I have six grandchildren -- three from each of our two daughters. They live close by so I see them often and adore every one of them. I am not getting any younger and have some money I’d like to gift to them now, while I am … [Read more...]
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