Why Medicaid Planning Is 100 Percent Ethical

Q. My close friend, Paula, invited me to lunch the other day. We got to talking, and I asked her about her father who she told me was in a nursing home. She asked about my parents, and I explained how my mother’s dementia is … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Dispelling Myths About Medicaid

Dear Angel,I have heard several things about Medicaid, and I wanted to see if they are true. One thing that I've been told is that Medicare will cover my health care costs, including long-term care. Another is that you need to … [Read more...]

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Even Experts Need an Elder Law Attorney

Laura Katz Olson, 71, is an academic, who is quite knowledgeable about Medicare and Social Security. In fact, she taught health-care policy for decades at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania.  She considers herself an elder-care … [Read more...]

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