Will Medicaid Block Grants Affect Your Ability to Get Long-Term Care?

If you or a loved one think you might need to apply for long-term care Medicaid in the future, you might want to understand how potential changes to the program — such as a shift to a block grant system — could impact nursing home … [Read more...]

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Understanding Common End-of-Life Signs and Ensuring Appropriate Estate Planning Is in Place

Understanding the common signs that a loved one is nearing the end of life can provide comfort and help families prepare for the inevitable. Recognizing these signs allows for meaningful interactions and ensures that appropriate … [Read more...]

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News Alert: Did Yesterday’s Medicaid Payment System “Blackout” Change Anything?

Temporary Medicaid BlackoutYesterday, President Trump’s administration announced a freeze on federal grants and loans to assess their alignment with the administration’s priorities. Although Social Security, Medicare, and … [Read more...]

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2025 Key Elder Law Numbers 

When Walt Disney said, “Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future,” his words referenced how inevitable change is, how quickly it can occur, and how we must continuously look … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: October Is Long-Term Care Planning Month

Dear Raider,I read that it is Long-Term Care Planning Month, and last night Lester Holt talked about the rising cost of living for aging Americans. With most things continuing to rise in price, I can’t even imagine the cost of … [Read more...]

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Can Caring for a Loved One Be Harmful?

I met with an adult child of a client earlier this week. When the family first came to me about a year ago, the wife had late-stage Parkinson’s and the husband had been her primary caregiver for many years. The husband was clearly … [Read more...]

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 “All Through the Night” Teaches Important Lessons About Alzheimer’s

“All Through the Night” is a short film starring actor Tim Daly as a father living with Alzheimer’s and Luke Slattery playing his son. Writer/director Graham Marvin, 35, wrote this film about his relationship with his own father, … [Read more...]

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Beware of “Forgotten Assets” When Applying for Medicaid. And Beware of Bankers Trying to be Helpful.

We received two similar questions this week and will address them both.Q1. My aunt opened a savings account at her local bank for her son (my cousin) in the late 1980’s when my cousin was in college. When she opened the … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Would a Graduation Gift to my Son Affect my Mother’s Medicaid Eligibility?

Dear Raider,My son recently graduated from high school. My mother wants to give him a monetary gift of $1,000. She is in the early stages of dementia and may need nursing home care in the not-so-distant future. Would giving … [Read more...]

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Navigating the Complexity of Medicaid and Medicare Dual Eligibility

Q. I am aware that many people are eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare. How does dual eligibility work? It seems like anything involving Medicaid and/or Medicare can be pretty complicated. Can you tell me more about it and … [Read more...]

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