Can Stipulations in a Will be Changed 100 Years Later? Maybe — Read About The Sweet Briar College Nightmare

 Q. I visited my niece, Natalie, last year at the picturesque Sweetbriar College, a liberal-arts women’s institution in rural Virginia. I am a history buff and I remember during a tour of the campus they … [Read more...]

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Estate Planning for Childless Couples

When many people think of estate planning, they assume that a person’s heirs are his or her children. But what happens when a couple has no children? Do they need to plan too? The answer is yes. At the very least, they should … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Can You Claim a Pet as a Dependent?

Dear Baxter,My dog, Rover, is like a child to me.  He is cute, loveable, and playful, and like a human child, relies on me for support. Vet bills, food, cleanup, and repairs caused by damage, have cost a lot of money this past … [Read more...]

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Help Someone Else and You Might Go to Jail

Ray is a loving father and a good friend who enjoys helping others. He helped his son build a deck, assisted his friend in finding a home, and even does his daughter's taxes on Turbo Tax each year. However, when it comes to estate … [Read more...]

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Common Estate Planning Mistakes Baby Boomers Should Avoid

Baby boomers, or those born between 1946 and 1964, are starting to retire in droves. For these people (and everyone else), it is important to create an estate plan to help protect assets and ensure that wishes are met in the event … [Read more...]

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Top 14 Articles of 2014

From non-traditional living options to stricter driving laws in Virginia, we covered a lot of ground in 2014. It was a year that included a new act to help special needs families, enhancements to the Medicaid program, and amazing … [Read more...]

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Virginia 529 Prepaid Education Plan Limited Time Open Enrollment: Plan Ahead for Your Child or Grandchild

We all dream of the day when our child or grandchild is accepted to college. From the time he or she is diapers, we begin planning for great things. We drive them to soccer, gymnastics, and music lessons in hopes that they are … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Updating Estate Planning Documents

 Dear Ernie and Jannette,The last time I updated my estate planning documents was in 2003. Since then, both my children have gotten married and I have five grandchildren. I also bought a second home in Florida. … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Are Estate Planning Services Tax Deductible?

 Dear Saki and Alley,It is November and the end of the year is drawing near. Every year, at around this time, I begin paying close attention to tax deductions. I was wondering, if I use your firm to do my estate planning … [Read more...]

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Caution: Our Top 10 SCARIEST Articles

With Halloween upon us, it is time to present you, our dear readers, with this year's scariest & creepiest stories.From the nightmare of probate to court cases involving filial responsibility, we uncovered some scary … [Read more...]

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