Critter Corner: Is Estate Planning Needed for Cohabitating Couples?

Dear Commander Bun Bun,I live with my boyfriend, Rich, in a house we own together. For a number of reasons, we have decided not to get married, but will continue to cohabitate for the foreseeable future. Why would people in … [Read more...]

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“Life Reimagined”- Guidance for Retirement Planning

Are you at a point in your life where you’re asking, “What’s next?” You’ve finished one chapter and you have yet to write the next one, and this one involves an empty nest, no more commuting to the office,  lots more time for … [Read more...]

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A Year Later: Robin Williams’ Family is Still at Odds

Robin Williams with his son, Zak, and his wife, Susan in 2012. Photo from New York TimesMany wealthy people die having done inadequate estate planning, or none at all. This was not the case with late comedian Robin Williams, … [Read more...]

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Please Don’t Leave that to Me!

Source: dalje.comQ. My aunt Bettina (Betty) has over 6,000 Barbie dolls, worth more than $150,000, that she mentioned she may leave to me when she does her estate planning. Although they are valuable, I am secretly hoping she … [Read more...]

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Are they Senior Moments or is it Dementia?

Can you remember the great meal you had last weekend, but can’t remember the name of the restaurant? Have you ever frantically called your cell phone in an effort to find it, only to realize it was in your pocket the whole time, … [Read more...]

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Secrets of Centenarians

Q. The other day, I was reading about Susannah Mushatt Jones, who turned 116 last month in New York. She was born in 1899 and retired in 1965. She never smoked or drank, and says lots of sleep is the secret to her longevity.I … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: New IRA Rules Close the Loopholes

Dear Commander Bun Bun,I heard that there are some new rules that were proposed by President Obama that IRA owners should know before planning their estate or transferring money between IRAs. Do you know about them and, if so, … [Read more...]

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When is it Time to Hang Up the Keys?

With years of experience behind the wheel, senior drivers are among the safest on the road. However, skills and abilities required for safe driving — such as vision, memory, physical strength, reaction time, and flexibility — may … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: I Am Single With No Children. Why Should I Bother Planning?

Dear Commander Bun Bun,I am a free-spirited single person who has never been married or had any children. I don't even have brothers or sisters. Yesterday, my neighbor told me about her estate planning during our morning walk. … [Read more...]

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A Different Type of Funeral

Q.I am the kind of person who likes to plan ahead for everything. I started planning my wedding before I was even engaged, and named my children long before I was pregnant. Now that I am getting older, I am beginning to think … [Read more...]

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