Renato Bialetti's family placed his ashes in a replica coffee pot urn.Q. I recently read about a funeral for 50-year-old Renato Garcia, where his body was on display at his own wake, wearing a Green Lantern costume. When asked … [Read more...]
Print This PageOur Top 10 Scariest Articles of 2016 (If You Dare)
With Halloween upon us, now is the time when we present you with this year’s scariest stories. From one typo costing you your computer to loved ones with Alzheimer's owning guns, we uncovered some scary ground. To celebrate … [Read more...]
Print This PageMaking Sure Your Money Goes to the Right Place
Q. When I read your bio, I noticed that you went to William & Mary for Law School. I went there for undergrad and for grad school, and love everything about the place, from the picturesque campus to Lake Matoaka in the Fall. I … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: Are Estate Planning Services Tax Deductible?
Dear Commander Bun Bun,Every year, at around this time, I begin paying close attention to tax deductions, as the end of the year is drawing near. I was wondering, if someone has used your firm to do estate planning in 2016 or … [Read more...]
Print This PageWho Will Be There for Me if I’m Aging Alone?
Q. I am currently 82 years old, and I live by myself in the home I purchased 40 years ago in Northern Virginia. Most of the people I know have grandchildren and evengreat-grandchildren. Throughout my life, I put my career first, … [Read more...]
Print This PageGetting Remarried: Avoiding Estate Planning Mistakes
After Lori’s first marriage ended in divorce, she told her three adult children that she would never remarry. That was until she met Chris. After dating him for five years, and realizing that they were meant to be, Chris proposed … [Read more...]
Print This PageWhy Every College Student Should Have an Incapacity Plan
Q. My 18-year old daughter, Madison, will be a freshman in college in the fall. At her high school graduation party, my friend Phil told me that he is already doing estate planning for his own daughter, and he told me that it is … [Read more...]
Print This PageA Parent has Alzheimer’s and a Gun. What Do You Do?
Ever since Gregg Schnepp retired, his favorite activity has been gathering with his friends at the shooting range. According to his wife, Joanne, who is a strong believer in the right to bear arms, “shooting is about his only … [Read more...]
Print This PageSpecial Alert to Existing Clients and Potential Clients
YOUR LIVING TRUST MAY HAVE OUT OF DATE PROVISIONS AND NEED TO BE REVISED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.A once-popular estate planning tool, called a "Credit Shelter Trust” or – also called a "Bypass Trust" or a "Family Trust” -- may now … [Read more...]
Print This PageThe Estate Planning of Prince, Harper Lee, and David Bowie
In 2016 so far, we have said farewell to some of the most legendary names in music, film, literature, and television, including Prince, Harper Lee, and David Bowie — all within the first four months of the year. While nothing can … [Read more...]
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