Q. My family is not what many would consider "ordinary." I am divorced and have been remarried for five years. I have a 40-year-old stepdaughter, a 25-year-old daughter, and a 10-year-old grandson, all of whom reside with us. My … [Read more...]
Print This PageWhat Happens if You Die Without a Will in Virginia, Maryland, or Washington, D.C.?
Q. I am retired and recently moved to the DC area to be closer to my daughter, her husband, and my three grandchildren. I have lived a pretty simple life, and don't have a lot. Although I am now in my early 70’s, I have never done … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: Why Are There So Many Problems With Prince’s Will Two Years After his Death?
Dear Magic,I read somewhere that Prince died two years ago, but his heirs have yet to inherit any of his 200 million dollar fortune. How can this be?Noah Money-Forthem----Dear Noah,It's true that it's been two … [Read more...]
Print This PageThe Best Way to “Disinherit” an Estranged Adult Child
Q. My adult daughter, Hallie, is from a previous marriage. I have been happily married to my second husband for 15 years, and we have supplied much love and finances to keep Hallie's family going through the years. We even placed … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: Update Your Estate Planning Documents Now!
Dear Magic,My husband and I came to Evan's office to do our estate planning several years ago. We have had some family changes since then, such as our children got married and had children of their own. With all this happening … [Read more...]
Print This PageWhat Happens to Debt When We Die?
Q. I was having a conversation with my father at Thanksgiving dinner this year about debt. I am middle-aged, and am in a long-term relationship, but have never been married. I currently have a lot of debt, including student loans … [Read more...]
Print This Page10 Biggest Estate Planning Blunders of Celebrities – Don’t Make These Mistakes!
Q. I have been reading your newsletter for several years now. I remember, in the past, you did a series on celebrity estate planning mistakes and lessons that can be learned from them. I found it to be very helpful and interesting … [Read more...]
Print This PagePlanning Ahead for Grandchildren
Q. Two years ago, our daughter Meredith got married. Today, she called to tell us that she is expecting twins! My husband and I are overjoyed, as they will be our first grandchildren. We want to make sure we include them in our … [Read more...]
Print This PageWhat’s in Your Estate Plan, Mom and Dad?
Q. Our daughter, Melanie, recently came to visit us. She told us that she and her husband will be meeting with your firm to do their estate planning and incapacity planning. Then, she inquired about what we put in our estate plan. … [Read more...]
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