Critter Corner: Protecting My Mother from Scams

Dear Angel,I recently visited my 80-year old mother, who is in the early stages of dementia. I noticed boxes of items that were mailed to her, including tons of magazines about body building and deep sea fishing (both of which … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: What Happens When Seniors Can No Longer Care for Their Pets?

Dear Angel,My miniature poodle, Moose, and my cat, Scooter, have been my constant companions since my husband died six years ago. They are the only warm blooded creatures that really depend on me. My dog and I usually take a … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Local High School Student Invents App to Identify Signs of Parkinson’s

Dear Baxter,My mother was taking pictures at my daughter's birthday party, and felt shaky holding the camera. This has happened in other instances, also. Recently, she's complained that her muscles are stiff, and her balance … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Do I need to file taxes for a deceased relative?

Dear Commander Bun Bun,My mother passed away in 2014, and I am the executor for her estate. I typically wait until the last minute to file my taxes. Even though she is no longer with us, do I need to file taxes for her, as … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Apps for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Dear Saki and Alley,My daughter with ASD often gets frustrated when playing on the iPad, because some of the apps are too fast paced, or she doesn't understand them. Do you know of any apps that someone with ASD could … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Technology to Help Seniors Age-in-Place Safely

 Dear Commander Bun Bun,    My mother, Shirley, is in her 80’s and living alone. Recently, she reluctantly agreed to wear a device that allows her to call for help if she fell. It gives my brother and me a sense of … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Alzheimer’s Accountability Act Signed Into Law

Dear Ernie and Jannette,I heard that the Alzheimer's Accountability Act was signed into law recently as part of a federal funding bill. Does this mean more money for Alzheimer's research?Thanks!Nida … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Pooled Special Needs Trusts

Dear Commander Bun Bun,I am considering a pooled special needs trust (managed by a non-profit organization) for my daughter, Shannon, who is intellectually disabled. What are some of the benefits and … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: What is Partnership Qualified Long-Term Care Insurance?

Dear Saki and Alley,I heard about Virginia's Partnership Qualified Long-Term Care Insurance. Can you tell me more about it as part of a Medicaid Asset Protection Plan? Thanks! L.T. Cayre ----- Dear L.T., Virginia’s Long-Term Care … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Meditation has Many Benefits for Seniors

Dear Commander Bun Bun,My neighbor, Shirley, meditates every day. She says it helps with several aspects of her health, including retaining memories. Do you know anything about this?Anita Relax---Dear … [Read more...]

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