Dear Oakley,I am fully vaccinated and am trying to follow the new norms and get used to not wearing a mask or physically distancing myself. I disliked wearing a mask the past year because my glasses would always fog up, so I’m … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: Caregivers May be Eligible for COVID Vaccine
Dear Hayek, I am a caregiver for my mother and my two special needs children (one has an intellectual disability and the other has autism). In my role, I feel it is really important to get the COVID vaccine. Is there any way to … [Read more...]
Print This PageSeniors are Facing Barriers Trying to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine. What to Do.
Janet needs to get the coronavirus vaccine. She is 74 and has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. She leaves the house rarely, only to pick up her medicines in the pharmacy drive-thru. She has caregivers coming in to help her … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: How Can a Senior Get a COVID Vaccine in Virginia, DC, and Maryland?
Dear Magic, My husband, Ricky, is 70 and I am 67. We would like to get coronavirus vaccines, but don’t know how and where. Do you have any information about doing so in the DC area? Thanks for your help! Vax Scene --- Dear … [Read more...]
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