Note: This article is the second part of a three part series sharing the wisdom of Katya De Luisa, a dementia educator and author of “Journey through the Infinite Mind–the Science and Spirituality of Dementia.” Read part 1 and … [Read more...]
Print This PageFDA Approves New Alzheimer’s Drug—But Does it Work?
Q. My family has a history of Alzheimer’s disease. We heard that a new drug for Alzheimer’s was just approved by the FDA. The process for its approval seemed kind of fast and it seems that Alzheimer’s drugs in the past have been … [Read more...]
Print This PageBreakthroughs in Alzheimer’s Research from the Past Year
Q. It seems like there’s a new Alzheimer’s “breakthrough” almost every day. My husband and I often follow the headlines and in our attempt to pull together the true, reputable research, we have seen everything from the … [Read more...]
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