Critter Corner: How to Talk to Your Loved One About Their Mobility Issues 

Dear Kiwi and Mango, I recently noticed my mother was having mobility problems. We were at a family gathering this past weekend, and she was in the living room when she lost her balance and fell. This happened a few other … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Is There a Check-in Service Specifically for Veterans?

Dear Kiwi and Mango,Recently, Mr. Farr wrote an article about a check-in service for seniors to combat loneliness and keep those who are aging in place safe. I was wondering if there are any similar programs specifically for … [Read more...]

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Check-in Services to Keep Seniors Who Are Aging in Place Safe

Many of us have loved ones who are aging in place, who may have mobility issues and who are at risk for falls. We may not live nearby, and we may find ourselves staying up at night worrying about what would happen if our loved one … [Read more...]

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Is Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Senior Care?

Q. I read somewhere that nine out of 10 seniors would prefer to age in their homes for as long as possible. But isn’t there a shortage of health care professionals and caregivers to provide the care that would be needed for this … [Read more...]

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Is Your Home Safe for a Loved One With Alzheimer’s?

How does someone go about eliminating potential hazards and what changes need to be made to help keep a person with Alzheimer’s safe?A Home Safety Checklist for Living with a Loved One with Alzheimer’sA wide range of … [Read more...]

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How to Enjoy Thanksgiving in a Different Way this Year

Every year, Melissa and her family drive to New Jersey to spend Thanksgiving with her mother, a widow who lives alone. This year, with the kids still playing sports and Melissa and her husband still going into the office … [Read more...]

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What’s Your “Master Plan” As You Get Older?

Q. My wife and I are 59 and 60, respectively, and we recently got to talking about our “master plan” for the future. We haven’t had an in-depth discussion of this sort until now, as we have been focused on other things that are … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: What New Technology Can Help My Mother Age-in-Place Safely?

Dear Magic,In the past, you’ve published lots of articles on aging-in-place technology. My mother is aging-in-place and I worry about her, since we try not to visit her due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Are there any new … [Read more...]

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New Exciting Technology Emerges for Seniors and Caregivers in the 2020’s

Q. I am a caregiver for my 80-year old mother who is in the early stages of dementia. I consider myself to be technologically savvy, but I am not quite sure what is out there that can help me in my role. You used to publish lots … [Read more...]

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Can You Still Live Alone if You Have Early-Stage Alzheimer’s?

When Kimberly was first diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, she took it as a devastating blow. She experienced the gamut of emotions anyone would feel after such a shocking discovery about oneself, including shock, denial, and … [Read more...]

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