
Critter Corner: Apps for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Dear Saki and Alley,
My daughter with ASD often gets frustrated when playing on the iPad, because some of the apps are too fast paced, or she doesn’t understand them. Do you know of any apps that someone with ASD could enjoy?
Honor Tablett
Dear Honor,
Saki and Alley no longer live at the office. They have retired from the high-paced world of Elder Law to  Evan and Jeannie’s quiet house on the water, where they can relax and watch birds all day long. I used to live at their house, but was jealous of the other cats and more of a loner, so I moved to the office, and am thrilled to share my knowledge with you!
Yesterday, in honor of World Autism Awareness Day, Apple launched a new section of its App Store focused on apps designed specifically for autistic individuals.The sixteen apps listed below range from helping users feel comfortable in their surroundings to a science-based kids’ show to help kids navigate the social and emotional world. The apps range in price from free to $120.

The collection is under the app store’s education section. To open the collection in iTunes directly, click here.
1. AutisMate 365 – Free
An app that helps develop communication and life skills with visual scene displays, video modeling, schedules and more.
2. Proloquo2Go – $109.99
An “award-winning” symbol-supported communication app.
3. Proloquo4Text – $119.99
A text-to-speech app that features word and sentence prediction.
4. FlummoxVision – Free
This app lets you watch the show “Flummox and Friends” on your iPad. The show is designed to support elementary school children who experience social and emotional struggles.
5. Kid in Story Book Maker – 99 cents
This app uses image detection technology to superimpose a child into the story. It features 12 story templates and the option to create custom stories.
6. PuddingStone – $19.99
“Developed in collaboration with Boston Children’s Hospital, PuddingStone makes language development fun and interactive!” It features three games that target language comprehension.
7. CatterPix Kids – Free
Users can use this app to take a picture of any object and add speech bubbles. They can also use their own voice to make that object talk.
8. Todo Number Matrix – $1.99
This math app features brain teasers, logic puzzles, and reasoning games. Six multi-level games help children practice several skills.
9. Choiceworks – $2.99
This app is meant as a routine management tool.
10. Toca Town – $2.99
Toca Town is place where kids can use their imagination to explore, create and discover. The app boasts no in-app purchases.
11. Toca Box for Autism Awareness – $2.99
The better deal. Get the above app plus Toca Store, Toca Hair Salon and Toca Band, all usually go for $2.99 each.
12. Keeble – $14.99
Keeble is an iOS keyboard that allows users with fine motor-challenges and vision impairment to type in any app.
13. iDress for Weather – $1.99
This helps answer the question: “What should I wear outside today?” iDress is for people at any age and ability, but especially helpful for children and people with disabilities.
Hope your daughter enjoys the apps!
About Angel:

Angel joined the firm in 2015 when Saki and Alley retired from the fast-paced world of Elder Law to the domestic tranquility of Evan and Jeannie’s home in the suburbs. Angel knows she has some big shoes to fill to replace the popular Siamese brother and sister act, but this stunning young tortoiseshell is up for the challenge.  She attended the prestigious Panthera Leo Persica University where she majored in Shedding and Shredding and minored in Feline Hospitality.  She enjoys long runs down the hall and cabinet climbing.  Her favorite games are conceal-the-paperwork and pet-me-now.  Be sure to say hello to Angel next time you’re in the office!

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About Renee Eder

Renee Eder was the Director of Public Relations for the Farr Law Firm, and gave the voice to the Critters of Critter Corner.

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