Search Results for: caregiver

Critter Corner: How Can Caregivers Help Protect Loved Ones Against Scams?

Dear Angel, I am a caregiver for my father, but not always around. I have a feeling he is being targeted by scammers. How can I know for sure? Also, do you have any tips for me on how I can help protect him against fraud and … [Read more...]

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Veteran Caregivers and Spouses: Benefit Clarification

Q. My 76-year old father, Larry, served during the Vietnam War, and suffers from Parkinson’s Disease and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). My mother, Anne, is his caregiver. They live on Social Security checks and his … [Read more...]

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Can Caregivers Take Vacations?

Q. I am a full-time caregiver for my father, Frank, who has Alzheimer’s. I am able to work from home, but I often feel like I have two full-time jobs, since caregiving for dad is a full-time job in itself. At work, I am entitled … [Read more...]

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Being Her Brother’s Caregiver

A year ago, Helen Ries’s mother died unexpectedly, and she became the primary caregiver of her brother, Paul Knoll. Knoll has Down syndrome and had lived with his parents most of his life. Ries admits that her first year as a … [Read more...]

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Military Caregivers: Challenges and Strategies

Q.  My father, Steve, is a retired Marine who is recently widowed. My mother used to provide care for him full-time until she passed away suddenly. My brothers and sister live far away, and my father needs assistance now. He has … [Read more...]

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How Caregivers Can Collect Social Security Benefits and Reduce Work Hours

Q. My mother had a stroke and really needs my help until we can find other arrangements. I’m afraid I’ll lose my job and wind up unemployed if I take time off work to care for her. Do you know if I have any rights under the Family … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Should I Have a Caregiver Contract?

Dear Angel, I will be quitting my job to care for my father next month. He will be paying me, since I have no other income to support myself.  My dad used to have a caregiver through an agency, and the agency had a written … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Can a $6,000 Stuffed Seal Replace Caregivers?

  Dear Baxter, I heard from my cousin, who told me that his mother recently leased a $6,000 stuffed seal to assist with stress relief, relaxation, and motivation. Supposedly when it came out, production of it was stalled at … [Read more...]

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Mandating Overtime Pay for In-Home Caregivers

My mother-in-law, Stella, lives alone in her home in Florida, and her health has been declining for some time. About a year ago, we hired an in-home caregiver for her who comes 4 hours every day from a local agency.  Now her … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: I Am A Caregiver Whose Friends Are Deserting Me!

Dear Angel, My mother needs full-time care, so I quit my job and moved in with her. Before doing so, I had a core group of friends that I went to lunch with, to the movies etc. Now, they are not including me anymore. And, it … [Read more...]

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