Search Results for: caregiver

Bill to Support 40 Million Caregivers Becomes Law

Q. My friend, Molly, is the primary caregiver for her mother, Anne. Anne suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure, among other things. After a hospital stay for an infected gall bladder, she came home and the responsibility … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: The High Stakes of Caregiver Stress

Dear Ribbit, My father has dementia, and right now, my mother is his primary caregiver. I could tell that she is extremely stressed in her role. I know that can’t be good for my father. Have there been any studies about how … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Virtual Caregiver Support Groups

Dear Magic, I am a new caregiver for my mother who has Alzheimer’s. I would love to chat with some people who are going through the same thing as me. I am interested in finding a virtual support group. Since you’re in the know … [Read more...]

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Aging On-Demand: Options for Seniors and Caregivers

Jan lives in the same townhouse complex as her mother, Sarah. Jan works in D.C. part-time, and visits her mother every evening, bringing her dinner and helping wherever she needs assistance. Jan is fortunate to have the … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Advice for Male Caregivers

  Dear Angel, I am a caregiver for my dad and I am a man. When I tell people about it, they seem surprised. But, times have changed and I've read there are more male caregivers out there than people think. Sometimes, my role … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Tips for Sandwiched Caregivers

Dear Commander Bun Bun, I am caring for my father, while being a working mom with a husband and three children. I am feeling overwhelmed to say the least. Do you have any tips for someone in my situation? Thanks very … [Read more...]

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Family Caregivers in 35 States Now Get More Support from Hospital to Home

A few years ago, Gwen’s mother, Emily, was discharged from the hospital after a short stay. When Emily was ready to go home, Gwen arrived to find her mother dressed and sitting in a wheelchair with a list of medications on her … [Read more...]

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Training for Unpaid Alzheimer’s Caregivers

Q. My father is an 80-year-old widower who was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. I live close by, and will assume the role of his full-time live-in caregiver. By trade, I am an auto mechanic, and am single with no children. I … [Read more...]

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A Must-Have Document for Family Caregivers

Kayla’s father, Bob, is in the early stages of dementia. She has hired paid caregivers who have come and gone because Bob has tendencies towards anger and violent outbursts. Kayla has decided that the time has come to quit her job … [Read more...]

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New Virginia Regulations Limit Caregiver Pay

Stephen Grammer suffers from cerebral palsy, a physical disability that makes it impossible for the 36-year-old to walk, feed himself, or go to the bathroom on his own. Currently, he’s able to live alone in an apartment because he … [Read more...]

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