Search Results for: caregiver

Do You Know Your Rights as a Caregiver?

Meryl cares for her mother, who is suffering from dementia. She works part-time in her home as a medical transcriptionist and also cares for her three children. With all that she has to do on a daily basis, Meryl rarely, if ever, … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Do Caregivers Have a Higher Life-Expectancy?

Dear Magic, I read somewhere that caregivers have a higher life-expectancy than non-caregivers. With all of the stress that goes into caregiving, how can this be true? Thanks for your help! Liv Longer  --- Dear … [Read more...]

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More Untrained Caregivers Performing Medical Tasks

At 49 years old, Emily is an accomplished accountant. She worked her way up in a prominent firm, but recently took a leave of absence to care for her father, Sid. She is married to her college sweetheart but doesn’t have any … [Read more...]

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Can Your Spouse Get Paid for Being Your Caregiver?

Joseph quit his full-time job to provide full-time care for his wife, Stephanie, who is suffering from early-onset dementia. He bathes and dresses her, prepares her meals, takes her blood pressure, gives her prescribed medications … [Read more...]

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When Caregiver Stress Becomes Extreme

Q. My aunt Rae, 84, was the primary caregiver for my Uncle Leo, who suffers from dementia. Leo would wander, so Rae couldn't leave him alone, and she missed the conversations she and Leo used to have. Rae became resentful and … [Read more...]

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Millennials are Emerging as a Generation of Caregivers

Q. My name is Kelsey, and I'm a junior in college. I lived on campus my first year but ended up moving back home when I learned that my mother needed caregiving help. College tuition is costly and so is caregiving, so I figured … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Resources for Millennial Caregivers 

Dear Angel,  I am 22 years old and I am a caregiver for my 80 year old grandmother. It is both challenging and rewarding. She is in a wheelchair and needs help cooking, dressing, and shopping for groceries. I am often concerned … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: I Am My Mother’s Financial Caregiver. Now What?

Dear Bebe, When my mother did her estate planning several years ago, I was told I would be the trustee for her trust and the agent under her Financial Power of Attorney, should there come a time when she can no longer handle … [Read more...]

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Long-Distance Caregivers: Making the Most of Your Role

Kate is concerned about her mother, a recent widow who lives alone in Kate’s childhood home in Fairfax County. Although Kate lives in Massachusetts, she grew up in Northern Virginia and it’s where her mother feels most … [Read more...]

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Caregiver’s Convictions of Financial Exploitation and Credit Card Fraud Affirmed (Va. App.)

A.C. required 24-hour care due to a serious brain injury caused by West Nile virus and encephalitis. Raymeka White was employed by a caregiver service and placed in A.C.'s home. White made cash withdraws for her personal benefit … [Read more...]

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