Search Results for: caregiver

New Approach May Help ‘Retrain’ the Brains of Dementia Caregivers

Q. My mother is the primary caregiver for my father, who has dementia. As my dad’s dementia continues to worsen, my mom has been getting more and more stressed. She’s been irritable, depressed, and hard to be around, and she … [Read more...]

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What Is the Financial and Emotional Impact of Caregiving? – The 2021 Fidelity American Caregivers Study

November is National Family Caregivers Month -- a time to celebrate, recognize, and honor the contributions of family caregivers across the country. This commemorative month offers an opportunity to raise awareness of caregiving … [Read more...]

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AARP’s Health Benefits Navigator: A New Tool for Veterans and Caregivers

Dear Oakley, My father is a veteran and I am his caregiver. All of the benefit options seem really confusing.  Is there an easy place to review and obtain all the available healthcare benefits without all the confusion and … [Read more...]

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Are Virginia, Maryland and/or DC Among the Best or Worst States for Supporting Family Caregivers?

A recent Facebook Live event, Caring for the Caregivers, featuring Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-California), occurred last week. The biggest takeaway was that word is starting to spread on Capitol Hill that … [Read more...]

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New Law Vastly Improves Transparency in Doctor-Caregiver Communication

Q. I regularly accompany my wife, Liz, to her neurology and primary care appointments for her dementia care. Doctors, nurses, and medical assistants often rush in and out, rarely spending time or making eye contact with us. … [Read more...]

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Leeza Gibbons — Tips for New Caregivers

“Alzheimer’s Caregivers are Heroes.” - Leeza Gibbons Leeza Gibbons is a leading TV talk show host, entertainment reporter, and best-selling author. She also has another role -- as a caregiver and founder of a non-profit to help … [Read more...]

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What are the Medicaid, Tax, and Liability  Implications of Paying an Independent Caregiver?

Q. We are getting ready to hire a new caregiver for my mom, and she is an independent contractor. Prior to now, we have hired caregivers from an agency. The caregiver has asked about being paid in cash, which will amount to $3,000 … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: What Taxes Do We Need to Pay for an Independent Caregiver?

Dear Oakley, We are hiring an independent caregiver, meaning she is not from an agency. My understanding is that we are responsible for paying taxes for her, since she is considered to be a household employee. What taxes are we … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Caregivers May be Eligible for COVID Vaccine

Dear Hayek, I am a caregiver for my mother and my two special needs children (one has an intellectual disability and the other has autism). In my role, I feel it is really important to get the COVID vaccine. Is there any way to … [Read more...]

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VA Caregiver Support Program Expansion Begins: What it Means for Veterans and Caregivers

Q. I am a caregiver for my father, a U.S. Navy veteran. He and I recently celebrated Veteran’s Day and my understanding is that it is National Family Caregiver’s Month all through November. In light of these two important … [Read more...]

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