Maybe your New Year’s resolution for 2011 was to shave off a few pounds, cholesterol points or both — but one thing is for sure — gyms across the country never seem quite as populated in February as early January. Some struggle to workout; others find it difficult to eat well-balanced meals. The old saying “you are what you eat” carries a certain weight though (no pun intended), because even if we do exercise regularly, if our diets are off kilter then results just won’t come. Dr. Mercola, author of a popular Health Newsletter, said the following about food choice:
When you consider the nutrient value of fresh versus processed-to-death denatured foods and the subsequent health consequences of each choice, it’s quite clear that you can eat well and improve your health and still not spend a fortune.
PlanetGreen released a list today of 15 “superfoods” for less than $20, and accompanying recipes. Some of the more savory choices: Quinoa With Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato Red Curry with Baby Bok Choy and Tofu and Brown Basmati Rice, and Sweet Potato Pancakes.
For Seniors, check out this article with the 100 Best Health Foods for Seniors from This resource is helpful in that the article lists the best foods for brain health, bone health, eye-sight, and more. Evan H. Farr on Google +
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