
Critter Corner: Fospice Care for Senior Pets in Fairfax

Dear Angel,

I know when humans are in their last months of life, their families may opt for hospice care. What happens to animals in their last months of life if they don’t have a loving home?

Karen Forpetz

Dear Karen,

Some pets may be elderly with cancer, limited mobility, or no teeth, but they need love and comfort too! That’s why Fairfax County Humane Society introduced the fospice program (hospice care for pets).

Fospice provides end-of-life comfort and care to homeless terminally ill or elderly pets, based on the hospice model. The program was inspired by a similar program run by the ASPCA.

Too many old and sick dogs die in shelters. Sometimes these shelters receive animals that are not medically healthy enough for adoption, but they still should have the right to live out their golden years in loving homes with proper medical treatment.

Fairfax County Humane Society finds dogs facing end-of-life illnesses and then finds them loving foster homes and financially sponsors the shelter dog’s basic needs and medical care for the remainder of the animal’s life.

I imagine that it is especially difficult for senior dogs who miss lifelong families and need quiet and comfort at the end of their lives, so this is certainly a wonderful program! You can learn more about it here.

Do you have a loving pet who is a part of your family? Then, you should certainly consider a pet trust. A pet trust is legal instrument that you can create to insure your pet receives proper care after you die or in the event of your disability. Learn more about Pet Trusts here.

Many purrs,

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About Renee Eder

Renee Eder was the Director of Public Relations for the Farr Law Firm, and gave the voice to the Critters of Critter Corner.

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