Ask the Expert: What are the Costs of Aging in America?

Q. My 65th birthday is just around the corner. I retired from a job that I loved last summer and I think that I am ready for what lies ahead. The problem is, I am not sure if I can afford it -- future long-term care costs in … [Read more...]

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Identifying the Signs of Autism Earlier will Lead to a More Productive Life

When Matt was a baby, his parents became concerned early that he never looked anyone in the eye, didn’t respond to sound, and missed several developmental milestones, such as pointing and waving. He was their first child and the … [Read more...]

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The Older Americans Act Reauthorization is Important for Long-Term Care Consumers

The Older Americans Act (OAA), enacted in 1965, was designed to provide services and funding in every state to support the dignity and welfare of seniors age 60 or older. These services focus on improving the lives of older people … [Read more...]

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Guardianship Revisited: a Serial 911-Caller and a Bigamist

A “guardian” of an adult is a person appointed by the court who is responsible for the personal affairs of an incapacitated adult, including responsibility for making decisions regarding the adult’s support, care, health, safety, … [Read more...]

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LGBT Seniors Find Challenges in Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Facilities

Marlene, 81, and Charlotte, 77, have been together for 43 years.  If one or both of them needs long-term care in the future, their first choice would be getting private in-home care by Marlene’s sister, Vera, but they realize that … [Read more...]

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Ask the Expert: Can I really save $11,000 annually if my planning is done earlier?

Q. Recently, my family had a reunion. Since I have six brothers and sisters, it was a huge event that included many relatives that I hadn't seen in years. At dinner, my distant cousin Marty who is a few years older than me and … [Read more...]

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Speaking Two or More Languages May Delay Dementia Symptoms

Edith is bilingual and speaks English and Spanish fluently. This has been helpful throughout her life, in her career, and in her travels. She was recently diagnosed with early onset dementia.What she didn’t know until now is that … [Read more...]

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November Is National Family Caregivers Month

There are as many as 90 million family caregivers in the U.S. today, and their contribution is thought to be equivalent to $450 billion in caregiving services every year.  This number is steadily increasing, as more Americans are … [Read more...]

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The End-Of-Life Conversation: What if it NEVER happens?

Greta was very close with her in-laws, and often referred to them as “the parents she never really had.” When her father-in-law, Chuck, started to show signs of dementia, she stepped in immediately to help. For as long as Greta … [Read more...]

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Major Carriers of Long-Term Care Insurance are Exiting the Market

According to a recent report by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), changes in the Long-Term Care (LTC) insurance market, including … [Read more...]

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