As tax time draws near, you want to make sure you file all the proper forms and take all deductions you're entitled to. The following are some helpful but often overlooked deductions to keep in mind as you prepare your 2013 … [Read more...]
Print This PageAnd the Oscar for Best Alzheimer’s Patient Goes to. . .
Joyce Griffen, a retired anthropology professor at Dartmouth University, spends many hours a week rehearsing and playing different roles. She's not involved in theater and hasn’t been since college. However, in a week’s time, she … [Read more...]
Print This PageCan Mom Be Discharged From a Nursing Home Against Her Wishes?
Q. My mother, Bunny, was told she is being discharged from the nursing home in which she resides. She and I are completely against this. For what reasons may a nursing home discharge a resident and what recourse do we have?A. … [Read more...]
Print This PageHas Grandpa Lost His Marbles or Am I Losing Mine?
Q. My father, Jim, has been a big help to our family. He picks up our daughter, Sophie, from preschool every day and watches her while my husband and I are working, which we are very grateful for. Lately, however, he has been … [Read more...]
Print This PageDisastrous Estate Planning Mistakes, Part 6
In the past, our newsletter featured a series of articles entitled “Lessons Learned from Estate Planning Mistakes of Celebrities,” demonstrating why probate is such a nightmare and lessons that can be learned from the costly … [Read more...]
Print This PageWhat You Need to Know Before Choosing Cremation
Cremation is quickly becoming a preferred method of memorial in the U.S., and it is projected that 40-45% of those who pass away will be cremated this year, according to the Cremation Association of North America. Projections are … [Read more...]
Print This PageThe Extra Stress of Caregiving in a Second Marriage
Q. I am a caregiver for my husband of 10 years, Frank, who is 75 and has dementia. As his dementia is worsening, bills are piling up and decisions about long-term care need to be made. I am feeling alone, exhausted, and … [Read more...]
Print This PageMind Your Elders (or They May Whack You With a Cane)
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 35% of Americans over 65 are considered physically fit. Many people don’t realize the countless benefits of exercise, including how it helps: reduce the risk of … [Read more...]
Print This PageWhat Dementia is Really Like: The Virtual Tour
Mary is a caregiver for her mother, Charlotte, who is in the early stages of dementia. She has seen her mother’s symptoms of forgetting who family members are, having difficulty communicating and remembering the right words to … [Read more...]
Print This PageCreate a Tribute for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s
An estimated 5.2 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer's disease. This includes an estimated 5 million people age 65 and older and approximately 200,000 individuals younger than age 65.When Alzheimer's disease touches … [Read more...]
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