Q. My son, Eric, recently got married to Jennifer, and my mother, Olivia, would like to give them a gift of $10,000 for their nest egg. She also has a history of giving small monthly gifts to the animal shelter. If my mother … [Read more...]
Print This PageSocial Security Recipients to Get 1.5% More in 2014
Nearly 63 million Americans receive either Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. In 2014, these recipients will see their benefits rise 1.5%, thanks to annual cost-of-living (COLA) adjustments. Beginning … [Read more...]
Print This PageNew Guides Available for Financial Caregivers
There may come a time when a loved one entrusts you with his or her financial business, by way of a Power of Attorney, designating you as his or her agent (also called attorney-in-fact). As an agent, your role is to manage your … [Read more...]
Print This PageNovember is Long-Term Care Awareness Month: A Time to Plan Ahead
November is Long-Term Care Awareness Month, a time for families to educate themselves and prepare for potential long-term care needs. Planning ahead for long-term care better prepares families to live well in their later … [Read more...]
Print This PageEstate Planning Mistakes: Widower’s Home is Now Owned by his Stepchildren
In 1982, William Irish married Janet Warnshuis, a widow who had 3 children from her prior marriage. In 1987, the couple purchased a home together in Corry, Pennsylvania. Both William and Janet contributed towards the purchase … [Read more...]
Print This PageNow this is SCARY- Filial Responsibility Part 2
Ruth and Earl Linderkamp, parents of Dawn Herrmann and Elden, Louis, Carl, Gene, and Dennis Linderkamp, resided in Four Seasons Healthcare, a nursing home in Forman, ND from 2006 until they died in 2009 and 2010, respectively. In … [Read more...]
Print This PageStudies Show Family Caregivers (of Non-Dementia Patients) Find Role Rewarding and Potentially Life Extending
Michelle’s in-laws helped care for her children for ten years. Two years ago, her father-in-law, Steve, passed away and her mother-in-law, Elizabeth, was left alone and her health was deteriorating. Michelle, who is an RN, decided … [Read more...]
Print This PageAsk the Expert: Staying Eligible for Medicaid after the Death of a Spouse
Q. My mother, Rose, is a Medicaid recipient who has been in a nursing home for the past eight months due to Alzheimer’s. My father, William, has been living in the home where he and my mother lived for over 25 years in … [Read more...]
Print This PageMany Americans Don’t Ever Expect to Retire
When it comes to retirement, many Americans expect that they will never be able to afford to retire fully. In fact, a new Wells Fargo study cited in USA today found that 37% of people expect to work until they are too sick or die, … [Read more...]
Print This PageLearn New Skills to Keep Your Memory Sharp
Mary, who is 65, listens to classical music every day and does Sudoku and crossword puzzles. She is familiar with these things and hopes they will help to keep her mind sharp as she gets older. While these activities are certainly … [Read more...]
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