Image from 2015 AAIC- alzjourney.comQ. My grandmother, Pearl, and her three siblings, Rebecca, Helene, and Morris, all died from Alzheimer’s. I heard that a family history of Alzheimer’s is a major risk factor for the disease. … [Read more...]
Print This PageNew Alzheimer’s Risk Factors Presented at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference
Critter Corner: Why Do Women Get Alzheimer’s More than Men?
Dear Angel,I read that women get Alzheimer’s more often than men. Do you know of any scientific reasons why this happens?Thanks in advance,Alice Heimersen-Wemmen----Dear Alice,Among people who are 71 and … [Read more...]
Print This PageAlzheimer’s Diagnosis is Rarely Disclosed to Patients
Q. My mother, Lorraine , is in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's. We think it began ten years ago when she started showing signs, but no one knows for sure. She went to a doctor for physicals every year, and seemed to be in good … [Read more...]
Print This PageIs Alzheimer’s in Your Future?
An estimated 44 million people live with Alzheimer's disease worldwide, and the global economic costs total $604 billion, according to Alzheimer’s Disease International. It is estimated that by 2050, the number of people living … [Read more...]
Print This Page“Largest Legislative Victory in Years” for Alzheimer Cause
The National Alzheimer’s Project Act (NAPA) is being touted as the “largest legislative victory in many years for the Alzheimer cause.” The Alzheimer’s Association persisted in its battle to pass the critical legislation. … [Read more...]
Print This PageGood cholesterol linked to reduced Alzheimer’s risk
Alzheimer’s disease is the 7th leading cause of death and costs about 172 billion dollars annually.[1] Due to the disease’s debilitating nature, more than 10 million caregivers of individuals with the disease are unpaid family … [Read more...]
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