For the next two years, the federal estate tax will be restored. The Bush-era tax cuts included a sunset provision that temporarily eradicated the estate tax for 2010. The tax is back, but the exemption has increased.
“The new law restores the federal estate tax for the next two years at a 35 percent tax rate, with estates up to $5 million ($10 million for couples) exempt from the tax. Furthermore, the new estate tax is retroactive to Jan. 1, 2010.”
The article further goes on to elaborate:
“This means that heirs of persons dying in 2010 can choose either to follow the 2010 rules (no federal estate tax at all, but with a limited step-up in the cost basis of inherited assets), or to follow the new law with a $5 million exemption and a step-up in cost basis.”
Image: renjith krishnan / Evan H. Farr on Google +
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